I’m Jen…

jen jul

Everybody has a story.


Here’s mine.


I went from an Alaskan corporate executive to…

married, unemployed, and pregnant living in Denmark. 

I had no idea what I was getting into, nor did we have a plan.

I leaped into the unknown because I was tired of the hustle culture and I yearned for change.

After a year of motherhood, I delved into the Danish job market to find a job. 

My naive immigrant self was expecting to easily get a job in Denmark.

After all, I have an MBA equivalent to a Danish advanced education and decades of corporate work experience.

How wrong I was. 

After 5+ years of applying for jobs, 20+ versions of resumes (CVs), and 100’s of cover letters,

After so much frustration,

Forced networking, 

Follow-up galore,

Countless tears,

Rejection in my email box every day,

So much disappointment over the years.

I realized that it was pointless to get a job in Denmark. 

So I pivoted.

I studied digital marketing, social media marketing, SEO, LinkedIn, personal finance, budgeting, blogging, mediumship, copywriting, photography, content marketing, nutrition, video editing, social media management, graphic design, podcasting, Google Ads, Facebook Ads, investing, trading, beading and wellness. 

You get the idea.

I was searching.

I invested in myself to find the ‘thing’ I wanted to ‘be’ and ‘do.’

I hustled and dabbled in various industries.

I made pennies and heard crickets. 




Because I didn’t have a niche and I didn’t stay long enough to find out.

And, truth be told, I wasn’t passionate about any of it.

It wasn’t until I met an Inuit Shaman.

She took me on a drum journey into the Spirit world. (Yeah it’s a bit woo woo but trust, it gets good:)

I went within. (Check out this episode of the Naetif Jen Podcast)

I healed past pain and generational trauma that I didn’t even know I carried. I did shadow work, experienced soul loss, healed my inner child, forgave people, and met my spirit guides & ancestors.

It changed my perspective and led me down a spiritual journey that I haven’t looked back on. 

This revealed a spiritual calling to help others heal and connect.

I’ve always been intuitive, but I had no way of harnessing it. 

Until now.

It also gave me a keen awareness of how we are all connected to everything, the trees, the ground, the wind, the sea, the animals, the plants, all living beings with so much inherent energy. 

Now, I can almost hear what you thinking, “Say what?  Jen…have you lost your marbles?”

Nope. Quite the contrary. 

I am more aware today than I was 8 years ago when I moved to Denmark. I’m not triggered by fight or flight, I’m calmer, more patient and I can see situations from other perspectives.

I can read people’s energy and block their negativity.

I vibe differently now.

No one tells you how to heal…you just have to do the work.

You grow through what you go through.

I did.

And to be clear, healing is continuous. It is facing yourself and holding yourself accountable every day.

So I’m a Business professional who helps clients elevate their businesses.

And I’m a Psychic Meduim. My purpose is to connect you to your loved ones in Spirit.

I live at the intersection of helping people with their business and spiritual healing.

I talk about it on my podcast (the Naetif Jen Podcast).

Welcome to my unconventional journey!


P.S. Want a spiritual reading? Let me connect you with your loved ones in spirit. I’m here for the healing and closure. Contact Me

P.P.S. If you want to know more about entrepreneurship, or how I can help you and your business, check out my Creative Services.